Videoanleitung Knallbonbon
Wie versprochen habe ich heute die Videoanleitung für mein Knallbonbon für Euch…
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Und nun könnt Ihr direkt loslegen…
Here are some measurements for my english readers (sorry for this terrible english):
- You will need a peace cardstock 10 x 16,5 cm.
- Score the short side on 2,5 and 7,5 cm. Score the long side on 4, 8, 12, 16 cm.
- Now you will need the punch and score tool for envelopes: punch both short sides on the first scoreline (1 inch) and the second scoreline (7,5 cm).
- Fold it together on the first (4cm) short scoreline (like you can see in my video) and punch it like before.
- Repeat this with the other scorelines (8, 12, 16). Now you can glue it together.
Viel Spaß!!!